Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guess who is 10 months and taking 5 steps at a time this week?

Having so much fun watching Gavin change every day... Thank you Jesus for my little boy and the joy he brings to our lives. Addison adores him and he LOVES her. Anything she does he has to do! These pictures were fun. He doesn't like hats and I don't know how to tie ties... another thing I need to learn having a boy :) Baby boy has a bad cough so we are laying low tonight. Enjoyed Sea World this morning as a family! Addison was thrilled to go and enjoyed it so much, this year at Sea World is going to be so fun with her. She's wanting to ride that roller coaster so badly... and feed the dolphins and the sharks and Shamu and eat lots of popcorn herself. Looking forward to church tomorrow and a full week ahead.
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Kristin said...

Cute. Cute! It was good to run into you at church yesterday. Looking forward to getting together with you soon. Maybe we could just go to raymond russel park? Have a blessed week.